Bambu Labs P1S with AMS + 5 x Lucky Number A1 mini 3D Printers


Winner details

Main Prize Winner(s): Chris Carr

Main Prize: Bambu Lab P1S with AMS or 💰£500 Cash Alternative

Bambu Lab P1S with AMS Specs:

  • Works right out of the box, set up in 15 minutes
  • Well-polished hardware and software
  • Enclosed-body for high-temperature filament printing
  • Up to 16-color printing with AMS
  • Up to 20000 mm/s² acceleration, prints a benchy in 18min
  • Built-in camera for remote monitoring and timelapse

Instant Prizes & Winners (realtime)

1Bambu Lab A1 mini + 2 x 1KG PLA Filament RollsAdam Thompson
4037Bambu Lab A1 mini + 2 x 1KG PLA Filament RollsNatalie Davy
8073Bambu Lab A1 mini + 2 x 1KG PLA Filament RollsJames Kerr
12109Bambu Lab A1 mini + 2 x 1KG PLA Filament RollsBonny Hooker
16145Bambu Lab A1 mini + 2 x 1KG PLA Filament RollsAnthony Beaumont